Services of Entitlement

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It may be challenging for families, caregivers, individuals with ASD, and others to navigate support systems and services. In order to best support individuals, families, providers, and communities statewide as they learn to navigate life with ASD or a related disability, HANDS in Autism© together with the NeuroDiagnostic Institute and IIACC partners reached out to organizations and asked directors and professionals to share about the noted service or program they oversee or facilitate in order to support awareness of, access to, advocacy for, and/or navigation within as individuals, families, and teams statewide are connected. Hear what they had to say below.

Category: Advocacy


Special Education Parent Support

Indiana 211

Connecting you with professionals in mental health & addiction, health care, housing assistance, tax assistance, food & clothing, education & employment, and more

Category: Education

The Indiana Education Scholarship Account Program (INESA)

INESA, managed by the state treasurer’s office, will allow eligible parents/guardians to establish an education scholarship account (ESA) that can be used for their child’s education expenses.

Category: evaluation

Indiana Dept. of Education and Indiana IEP Resource Center

Video Series: Simulated Intake for Parent Referral for Preschool Evaluation

Category: Savings

Indiana ABLE

INvestABLE Indiana helps individuals save, while preserving their SSI and Medicaid.

Category: Pre-ETS

Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Employment services program for Indiana students in transition (ages 14-21) and adults with disabilities

The Arc of Indiana

On oversight of delivery of Pre-Employment Transition Services

Category: Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

Indiana VR Services by The Arc of Indiana

What to expect with VR

Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

This short video describes the VR process, eligibility, and the services VR can provide if you need some help to learn new skills, find a job, or start a career.



Law Enforcement and First-Responder Considerations

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How to Inform Police and/or First Responders that an Individual Has Autism Spectrum Disorder?

There is a strong chance that individuals with ASD may encounter police in their lives. Statistics shows that:

  • Individuals with ASD are 7 times more likely to intersect with the criminal justice system, either as victims or offenders (Berryessa, 2014).
  • 19.5% of youth with ASD have been stopped and questioned by police by the time they reached their early 20s. Of them, nearly 5% were subsequently arrested (Rava, Shattuck, Rast, & Roux, 2017).
  • Yet, the prevalence of actual unlawful behavior of individuals with ASD is relatively low (Woodbury-Smith & Dein, 2014).
  • Socio-emotional challenges present in ASD do not allow individuals to have an intent to purposefully harm another person (Berryessa, 2014; Freckelton, 2013; Woodbury-Smith & Dein, 2014).
  • Presence of co-morbid psychiatric disorders can be a strong underlying reason for offensive behaviors.
  • 20% of children with autism have been physically or sexually abused. However, justice personnel is not sufficiently ready to interact and advocate for these victims (Mandell et al., 2005)

Individuals with ASD have higher risks of victimization due to the nature of autism and the social environment, namely:

  • Reduced privacy
  • Lack of experience with decision-making
  • Lack of education about sexuality
  • Reduced expectations
  • Rewards for rule-following
  • Limited socialization
  • Negative attitude of others towards disability (Autism Speaks, n.d.)

Call 911 in case of emergency!

Visit CRISIS page for more information on the hotlines to report abuse.

Steps that you can take:

  1. Build awareness in the community and among police and first responders that an individual has ASD and therefore may not respond in an expected way.
  2. If possible, contact your community’s 911 office to let them know that there is an individual with ASD living in this community.
  3. Teach individuals about inappropriate touching and how to avoid it in public.
  4. Police are often being called at school for behavioral issues of older individuals with ASD. Be sure to address the issue in the child’s IEP as a protection. Also, help educate school resource officers on what to do (see example tag from HANDS in Autism® below.)
  5. HANDS in Autism® developed a number of resources to help inform the police and first responders (see examples below). Go to for more information.

This Individual has Autism
Card to share with community members or during outbursts in public places:

I Have Autism Spectrum Disorder card for first responders
Wallet card to present to police or first responders:

Strategies that work
Strategies that Work

Alert Magnet for first responders with information about individuals that live in the house
Include this magnet in your home to help first responders

People with ASD may: Card
Here is an example of a card with ideas of what a security officer might expect.

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Preventing Sexual Abuse

Take a Sexual Health Class Survey

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related developmental and intellectual disabilities are several times more likely to become victims of sexual abuse than others. This is connected to several factors, as identified by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2009:

  • Have been trained to follow rules and requirements given by a person of authority
  • Have limited access to sexual education programming or individualized sexual education content
  • Be unable to communicate verbally (i.e., non-verbal) or have limited communication skills
  • Be partially or fully immobile
  • Have limited access to or a lack of awareness of resources, services, and supports to
    report abuse
  • Be placed in or receive residential care or supported living services
  • Have challenges with cognitive skills, fluid reasoning, and critical thinking making them more susceptible to manipulation or persuasion
  • Experience feelings of isolation and withdrawal due to their differences
  • Be stigmatized by society, thus making them susceptible or more likely to be misled or used by others

Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse

The Department of Justice (n.d.) outlined a list of common behaviors resulting from abuse:

  • Increase in nightmares and/or problems with sleep
  • Change in routine habits (e.g., eating)
  • Anger or sudden mood swings
  • Signs of anxiety and/or depression
  • Difficulty walking or sitting
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • New or increased tendency to run away or self-injure
  • Lack of desire to participate in physical activities
  • Regressive behaviors
  • Reluctance to be alone
  • Sexual knowledge, language, or behaviors not exhibited before
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Negative self-image

In Our Own Words: Why We Want Parents to Talk to us About Sex

How To Prevent Sexual Abuse

Consider the following strategies to help individuals with IDD/ASD avoid sexual abuse:

  • Avoid focusing only on teaching “stranger danger.” Many cases of abuse come from people that are known or familiar.
  • Teach the difference between “OK” and “NOT OK” touches.
  • Teach an individual to say “no” to touch (even non-sexual) either verbally or through other modes of communication (device, sign, etc.).
  • Teach individuals to take care of their private parts (i.e., toilet training, skills teaching pertaining to personal hygiene and dress, etc.) to reduce reliance on other adults or children.
  • Teach the difference between “good secrets” (e.g., surprise for a friend, confidential
    personal information) and “bad secrets” (e.g., secrets that make them uncomfortable, secrets others have noted not to share with others).
  • Trust your instincts! If you are in doubt or have questions, make sure you follow up on your instincts and seek help (Autism Speaks, 2018).

What to do if student confides in you or if you have reasonable cause to believe that a student was assaulted?

  • Believe the student and confirm that by saying, “I believe you.”
  • Tell the student that it is not her or her fault.
  • Tell the student that you care about him or her and thank for confiding.
  • Speak privately to student and only share information with people who you feel need to be enlisted (e.g., principal, school nurse)
  • Report the abuse by contacting the police or child protection agency. You are required by law to report it yourself or make certain it is reported by another person (e.g., by being in the room at the time). You do not need to investigate on your own. All you need is reasonable cause to believe it has occurred.
  • If student wishes to report on his or her own, be present there while he/she does it.

HANDS in Autism developed a handout with suggested strategies. Learn more at

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ASD and Law

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On this page, you can explore the following topics (click on the topic of interest):

This section will help to understand individual rights. There are government support opportunities, future planning, and organizations to help families in the processes. Federal and state laws have also been put in place to ensure rights for individuals and families within the school and other systems.

What is Self-Advocacy?

Self-advocacy is a form of advocacy in which individuals are empowered and informed to represent themselves in a number of settings. Self-Advocates of Indiana is one notable group dedicated to encouraging and helping individuals with disabilities, including ASD, to make their voices heard.

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What Legal Rights do Individuals with ASD and their Families Have?

Individuals with ASD and their families have a number of rights that are protected by federal and state legislation. For more information on these protections, visit the Federal Mandates & Guidelines and State Mandates & Guidelines pages.

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 Additional Resource

National and Nationwide Resources:

State Resources:

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Safety Considerations

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Safety is a primary concern for all individuals, especially those with ASD who may sometimes face challenges avoiding dangerous situations. The information in this section outlines common safety concerns for individuals with ASD, tips for keeping individuals out of harm’s way, and strategies to proactively prepare for dealing with a crisis situation should it arise.

In this section, you can explore the following topics:

Additional Resources

National and Nationwide Resources:

State Resources:


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